
Biblical Theology: A Proposal is unavailable, but you can change that!

Brevard S. Childs has played a unique role in biblical studies with his strong emphasis on the role of canon for defining both the processes and final form of the biblical witness. This volume briefly addresses some of the approaches to biblical theology undertaken throughout history, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Childs also deals with the shape of the Hebrew and Greek canon, the...

does not contain an essential, descriptive component in which Old and New Testament specialists continue to make clear “the manifold testimony of the Bible.” Any new approach to the discipline must extend and indeed develop the Enlightenment’s discovery that the task of the responsible exegete is to hear each testament’s own voice, and both to recognize and pursue the nature of the Bible’s diversity. However, an important post-Enlightenment correction is needed which rejects the widespread historicist’s
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